Wednesday, April 16, 2014

JavaScript for Application: OO and Best Practices

So, here are some of our best javascript practices:

1) Almost always scope your JS code "immediate function"

JavaScript does not have code block scoping (with { ... }) but everything in a function is scoped. Consequently, when building a new module, always create an immediate function to scope all the properties and functions. This way, you can expose the public properties and methods/object types you want, and keep the rest visible only to this function body (this is very convenient for scoping).

// create the mymodule object if it does not already exists
// Note: this is global scope since it is outside of the immediate function   
var mymodule = mymodule || {}; 
//immediate function notation(start with ";" to make it semicolumn-less friendly)
// obviously, always have "var ..." when defining a variable (always) 
var foo; 
// nobody outside can see this var 
function bar(); 
// this will be visible outside, since attached to mymodule. 
mymodule.publicFun1 = function() {...};  })(); 
// execute the function immediately 

Partition your code diligently with this technic to ease later refactoring. Do not hesitate to have multiple "immediate function block" in the same javascript file, the more atomic your code is, the more manageable it will become. Use clear commenting style to separate your different sections.

2) Object Type the JS Way with prototype

Here is the prototype way to create an Object Type. 

// try to always scope your API, Object Types, properties in a namespace  
var mymodule = mymodule || {};;(function(){// Constructorfunction Person(name){this._name = name; 
// as convention, ._*** is for privates properties
// Note: there is a more robust way to do do private, but this will be for later
// A ObjectType Method = function(name){
// Note: here, we use the js/jQuery style, setter/getter in one method
if (typeof name === "undefined"){
return this._name ;
this._name = name;
// expose the Person "Object Type" in the mymodule namespace mymodule.Person = Person;})();
// ... somewhere else in your js or page code
// create an instance of this Object Type
var person1 = new mymodule.Person("Animesh");
// get some properties
console.log("person name: " +;
// >>> will output >>> "Animesh"

3) "Classical" Inheritance in JS

Here are 5 lines of code that you can add to your application, or use from some librairies (e.g., YUI, Brite, ...) to do a pseudo class inheritance with JavaScript. This is a very simple and convenient way to bring "classical" inheritance in JS.

function inherit(Child, Parent) { 
 var F = function() {}; 
   F.prototype = Parent.prototype; 
   Child.prototype = new F(); 
   Child._super = Parent.prototype; 
   Child.prototype.constructor = Child;
 var mymodule = mymodule || {}; 
 ;(function() { 
   function Person(name) { 
    this._name = name; 
 } = function(name) { 
  if( typeof name === "undefined") { return this._name; } 
  else { this._name = name; } 

 Person.prototype.canCode = function(canCode) { 
  if( typeof canCode === "undefined") { 
    return this._canCode || false; 
  } else { 
    this._canCode = canCode; 

 function Programmer(name,language) {, name);         this.canCode(true); this.language(language); 
 // inherit Programmer with Person, call this after the Programmer constructor 

 inherit(Programmer, Person); 
 Programmer.prototype.language = function(language) { 
 // sort version of the if/else 
 return (typeof language === "undefined")? this._language:this._language = language; 

// Note: Here you could override or overwrite person methods with // Programmer.prototype.**** 

mymodule.Person = Person; mymodule.Programmer = Programmer; })(); // in the application code 
var a = new mymodule.Person("Animesh");
var b = new mymodule.Programmer("Nanda","js");
console.log( + " " + + " can code: " + a.canCode());
console.log( + " " + + " can code: " + b.canCode() + " language: " + b.language());

4) Private Methods

The immediate function code block and the javascript function methods and function.apply are perfect to create private methods. Immediate function code block is also a great way to make utility functions, constants, default values, and cache visible only to a module or sub module.

var mymodule = mymodule || {}; ;(function(){ 

// --------- Public API --------- //
// Constructor 

function Chart(){ }
Chart.prototype.refresh = function(data){ 
  this._data = data;
  // we call the draw with the "this" context; 

// note: could use, "draw.apply(this,arguments)" if we wanted to pass all arguments 


// --------- /Public API --------- //
// --------- Privates --------- //
// only this function block can see the draw method 

function draw(){ 

 // ... some code that will draw
 // call the utilities functions

 console.log("drawing data: " + this._data); } 

 // --------- /Privates --------- // 
 // --------- Utility Functions & Values --------- // 

 var color = {line:"#333",text:"#358"}; 
 function drawGrid(args)  { 
  // .... 

// --------- /Utility Functions & Values --------- // 

mymodule.Chart = Chart;})(); 

// somewhere in the code 

var chart = new mymodule.Chart();chart.refresh(["name1",345,"name2",654]); 

// >>> will output >>> drawing data: name1,345,name2,654

With Regards,
Animesh Nanda
Sr.Software Engineer | Photon Infotech
Bengaluru | Karnataka | INDIA.